About Whiffletree I-IV Neighborhood Association

There are numerous Whiffletree neighborhoods in Plano, Texas. However, the Whiffletree I-IV Neighborhood Association (WNA) is a residential subdivision comprised of 459 homes and is located near Buckhorn Park and Wells Elementary School, which is between Coit Road and Independence Pkwy; South of Spring Creek Pkwy and North of Parker Road.

Any resident of the Whiffletree I-IV neighborhood can become a member of the Neighborhood Association. It doesn't matter if you are renting or if you own your home. We welcome all residents. Neighborhood Association membership dues are only $15 per year per household and the benefits of membership are numerous.

Besides adding to the quality of life for the residents of WNA, a strong and active neighborhood association helps to ensure an awareness of issues which may affect our property values and safety. We hope you will join us in keeping WNA one of the very best neighborhoods in Plano. We also want to formally welcome all new residents and hope each of you finds caring neighbors and a friendly atmosphere that add so much to the quality of life here in Whiffletree I-IV.


Volunteers Needed

The following volunteer positions need to be filled so if you are proud of our neighborhood, would like to know what's happening in and around our area, and would love to get to know more of your neighbors, please consider filling one of the following positions:

ZONE DIRECTOR Positions (Note that each Zone Director also serves on the WNA Board of Directors)

We have two open position for Zone Director (Zone 2 and Zone 3) which are also Board positions on the Whiffletree Board of Directors

  • Two Zone Director positions (for Zone 2 and Zone 3) on the Whiffletree Board of Directors are OPEN so if you have an interest in serving on the Board as a Zone Director, please respond to this email.
  • Zone Director for Zone 2 ... Block Captains for the following Addresses report to the Zone Director for Zone 2
    • 3600-3712 Canoncita Lane
    • 3400-3421 Singletree Trail
    • 3500-3613 Singletree Trail
    • 3400-3417 Therondunn Drive
    • 3420-3513 Therondunn Drive
    • 3401-3505 Whiffletree Drive
  • Zone Director for Zone 3 ... Block Captains for the following Addresses report to the Zone Director for Zone 3
    • 3306-3337 Landershire Lane
    • 3312-3340 Singletree Trail
    • 3312-3341 Therondunn Drive
    • 3500-3808 Tumbril Lane
    • 3312-3337 Whiffletree Drive

According to the Bylaws, the duties of the above positions are as follows:


It shall be the duty of each Zone Director to represent the interests and needs of the Association’s members within the Zone Director’s geographic zone; to serve as a member of the Board of Directors in representing the interests and needs of the Association’s members irrespective of geographic zone; to recruit and direct the activities of block captains within the Zone Director’s zone; to act as an emissary for the Association in welcoming new neighbors into the Zone Director’s zone, and to assist the Vice-President of Activities and the Vice-President of Membership in the discharge of their respective duties.

Board meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each odd numbered month (e.g., Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov)

If you have an interest in serving in as Zone Director for Zone 3, please reply to this email to express your interest. If you would like additional information, you can contact Brian Eckeberger (WNA President, [email protected])


Roles and  responsibilities involve distributing the annual directory to dues paying members who live on your assigned street as well as helping to welcome new residents who move into one of the homes on your street.

Open positions for Block Captain include

  • Canoncita Lane (3516-3532)
  • Cross Bend Road (3400-3512)
  • Cross Bend Road (3600-3704)
  • Laser Lane (4024-4033)
  • Martingale Drive (3901-3913)
  • Remington Circle (3604-3636)
  • Seltzer Drive (3600-3633)

Are You Interested?

If you are interested in talking about any of the above open positions, please fillout the CONTACT US form. We'd love to hear from you.

Social Media Sites


Regular postings are added to our neighborhood FACEBOOK page.

Check it out: www.facebook.com/WhiffletreeNA


A private social network for our neighborhood community is called nextdoor.com. Here is a link to a short video that describes what nextdoor.com is all about: VIDEO INTRODUCING NEXTDOOR

The WELLS PLANO group on nextdoor.com is comprised of Parkway Estates, Whiffletree I-IV, Carriage Hills, and Kimberlea subdivisions. If you are not yet a member, go to nextdoor.com and join.

To Join nextdoor.com

  • Go to the website: www.nextdoor.com
  • Enter your residential street address and email address (note that a PO Box is not accepted)
  • Select FIND YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD. You will automatically be assigned to your neighborhood
  • Fill in all of the required fields
  • Click SIGN UP
  • Finally, verify your address and email address (You will receive an email from nextdoor.com containing a link to verify that this really is "you" who submitted the request)

You can also request to join the "WHIFFLETREE GROUP", which allows you to view and post items to only our neighborhood. To join this group:

  • If you are using the nextdoor app, then tap MORE from the bottom menu and then tap GROUPS from the menu.
  • If you are NOT using the nextdoor app, then on the left side of the nextdoor.com page, look for a subtitle called GROUPS and click on ALL GROUPS. This will show the groups that have been established within our area
  • You can REQUEST to join various groups that are listed on this page.

Upcoming Events

TBD Annual Neighborhood Christmas Party (Details not yet finalized)

Past Events

May 18 Neighborhood Garage Sale
Mar 23 Easter Egg Hunt (begins at noon) @ Buckhorn Park (next to Wells Elementary School)
Dec 16 WNA Christmas Party (Adults Only)
Oct 21 Fall Garade Sale; Specific - RAIN or SHINE
Sep 1-30 Peanut Butter Drive to benefit the North Texas Food Bank
Jul 1 Annual 4th of July Parade and Cookout
May 6 Spring Garage Sale (Rain or Shine)
Apr 1 Annual Easter Egg Hunt at Buckhorn Park beginning at NOON

Regularly Scheduled Events

  • BOARD MEETINGS - 7:15PM on the 3rd Thursday of each odd numbered month [Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov]
  • LADIES BUNCO - 7:30PM on 2nd or 3rd Mondays of each month
  • POKENO - 7:15PM, Normally 1st Tuesday of each month

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Whiffletree Leadership

President: Brian Eckeberger
VP Activities: Pat Nelson
VP Membership: Sharlene Snyder
Secretary: Hiren Patel

Treasurer: Brian Eckeberger
Zone 1 Director: Sharon Luker
Zone 2 Director: OPEN
Zone 3 Director: OPEN
Zone 4 Director: Carolyn Allen
Zone 5 Director: Marcia Meleleu
Zone 6 Director: Johnnye Allen
Zone 7 Director: Sharlene Snyder
Crime Watch: Brian Eckeberger
Yard of the Month: Cyrus & Etta Clark
Website/Directory: Connie Kouba

Watering Guidelines (Nov 1 - Mar 31)

Lawns and outdoor plants require less water as we move to cooler temperatures. November 1 marks the date to dial back landscape watering and to enjoy the water-use cost savings. Effective November 1, The City of Plano outdoor watering guidelines limit sprinkler use to the once-a-week schedule based on the last digit of your house number:

  • Homes with addresses ending in odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) – Operate sprinklers only on Tuesday
  • Homes with addresses ending in even numbers (0, 2, 4, 6, 8) – Operate sprinklers only on Thursday

The City of Plano also recommends that we follow these guidelines as well:

  • Turn off automatic sprinklers. Once cooler weather arrives, most grasses go dormant until spring which reduces your lawn's need for water. Subscribe to WaterMyYard for customized weekly watering recommendations.
  • Set your sprinklers to run between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. This is when the temperature is warmer.
  • Don't plant cool season grasses.Ryegrass and fescues require extra water during winter.
  • Avoid excessive water runoff and watering during rain, ice or snow. Runoff is prohibited because it leads to dangerous icing of streets and sidewalks.
  • Only water if your lawn needs it. Just because it is your day to water doesn't mean you must water.
  • To learn more about watering guidelines, CLICK HERE.

These guidelines apply until March 31, 2025.

HOA Dues ($15/year)

To Pay by Check

Make a check payable to "WNA" in the amount of $15/year and mail to Carolyn Allen, 3625 Cross Bend Rd., Plano TX 75023.

To Pay by Credit Card or PayPal

A Credit Card or Paypal can be used to pay your annual HOA dues. To do this, click on the PAY NOW button (appears below).

Multi-Year Payment Option Available


To view the organization's BYLAWS, CLICK HERE.

Deed Restrictions

To view current Deed Restrictions (Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions), CLICK HERE.